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The Hidden Voice of Hadassah

Latest Episode
Eastern: 6 PM
Central: 5 PM
Mountain: 4 PM
Pacific: 3 PM

AviGayle O'Hare

Produces & Hosts 'The Hidden Voice of Hadassah'
Co-Producer & Host 'Israel My Delight'
Co-Hosts 'Sunday Let Us Reason Together'
Co-Producer & Host 'Torah Study Among Friends'
Hosts 'Sunday War Room'
Hosts 'Wednesday War Room'

Personal Website: Israel My Delight

  'The Hidden Voice of Hadassah' has a fullness to it that enhances the lives of both men and women, Whether the show has a topic that's common among the rest of the body of Messiah, or one that's unique, or a guest that complements AviGayle's style of sharing and relating, it will keep you on the edge of your seat.

History of The Hidden Voice of Hadassah

  AviGayle O'Hare, along with her husband James hosted a two night virtual conference on LAMB Radio in 2018. Shortly after, LAMB needed a discussion show on Wednesday mornings and The Hidden Voice of Hadassah show fit the bill.

  Sandi Craig and Jo Cameron joined AviGayle for the first few months and then, due to circumstances, timing and availability, moved into a show of their own on Thursday mornings.

  Avigayle had the vision and drive for ....Hadassah so she continued the show by herself, moving it to Wednesday evenings instead of in the mornings. 

  She now speaks of fresh topics and interviews the most relevant guests as the show must go on. 




A new book by

AviGayle O'Hare

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