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Quiet Strength

Latest Episode
Eastern: 6 PM
Central: 5 PM
Mountain: 4 PM
Pacific: 3 PM
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Quiet Strength will either introduce or re-establish strategies that can help women place order within daily life. 

We will discuss Scripture, ideas and solutions for managing home and life in general , produce goals and think of creative ways to put them into action, encourage stretching exercises to relieve tension, and apply these ideas to becoming a lifestyle. 

It's taking the steps to learn how to place order in your personal life and uplifting one another, learning new tactics, and bringing Scripture to a chaotic world that builds Quiet Strength.


Wendy Larson

One could say my life is filled with many adventures, or that I'm simply a nomad. :) 

My father, a minister, followed Yahweh's call to take small congregations and grow them.

We moved 5 times before I went to college: RI, NH, three different towns in PA, and ME. Maine is where I consider my childhood home, for we lived there the longest and my mom’s family was from this part of the country.

I attended a college in Wollaston, MA and then transferred to a sister college in TN to complete a BS: Early Childhood and Elementary Education.

After college, I married, started teaching and began a family.

We moved about 8 times within 25 years mainly due to ministry and Air Force Chaplaincy.

Through most of those years I decided to stay home to provide stability for our 3 children due to many permanent changes in services.

Managing the house, home schooling, leading Bible Studies and Women's Prayer groups for schools, volunteering at school and in spouse clubs at a variety of bases became daily routines.

After the children were grown, my spouse left the marriage –which, forced me back into the career world, and returned to school-completing with an MA in Executive Leadership from Liberty University.

I love continuing to learn by reading books and articles about living healthier.

My joy is discerning how it fits into Scripture and creation. 

However, my true love is reading Yahweh's Word and being in prayer--for this is where my quiet strength is found.

Today my children are grown, and I am enjoying 4 wonderful grandchildren, with a 5th on the way.

In addition, Abba has provided a Godly, hard-working, kind man, soon to be my husband.

What was meant to be destroyed—Yahweh, has replenished with joy and a home to stay! 

Baruch attah Adonai!

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