Institute for Judaic-Christian Studies & Biblical Research
The LAMB Network / Talmidim Publishing
(Mark and Adina Smith, Owners)
1419 Partridge Place SW Shallotte, NC 28470
Besorah Institute for Judaic-Christian Studies & Biblical Research
Answering the call to create an educational research ministry, a small group of believers in Yeshua (Jesus) established Besorah Institute in 2017. Besorah Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
- The Hebrew word “Besorah” means “the good news!”
- Besorah offers two certificate programs at this time in lay ministry and Biblical research. All classes are presented from a Judaic-Christian perspective. The Institute also offers seminars, webinars, and other educational events and opportunities.
- The vision and mission are one and the same. “. . . To help increase understanding among the members of the Body of Christ (The Church) of their Jewish roots, to train individuals for lay ministry to share the Gospel message with non-believers from a Judaic-Christian perspective, and to add to the literature on Biblical research.”
- Donations to the Institute help make it possible to offer some online events for free. To help support these and other events, go to “Donating to the Institute” on the home page of our website.
To contact the Institute, e-mail us at
or write to us at:
PO Box 278
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
Watch an interview with
Phil and Debbie Burd
from the 'Super Heroes FOR The Messianic Lifestyle'
broadcast with
Rabbi Darryl Weinberg